Residents of the South Boundary Fire Protection District, please help us out by adopting a hydrant. By Adopting a hydrant I mean take a look at the hydrants near your home, pick one or 2 or however many you can and adopt them by keeping them clear of tall grass which might make them hard to find during the summer months but worse yet keeping them clear of snow in the winter. Many times first responders will be en route to a fire call and will be pre planning their means of attack when they show up only to find their hydrant is buried under a couple of feet of freshly plowed snow making it hard to find and in some cases they need to look for a secondary water supply which can add time to their response and in some cases lose the battle.
Residents of the South Boundary Fire Protection District, please help us out by adopting a hydrant. By Adopting a hydrant I mean take a look at the hydrants near your home, pick one or 2 or however many you can and adopt them by keeping them clear of tall grass which might make them hard to find during the summer months but worse yet keeping them clear of snow in the winter. Many times first responders will be en route to a fire call and will be pre planning their means of attack when they show up only to find their hydrant is buried under a couple of feet of freshly plowed snow making it hard to find and in some cases they need to look for a secondary water supply which can add time to their response and in some cases lose the battle.